
Grace that Goes Bump in the Night

"Grace that Goes Bump in the Night"
Sermon for Lent 2, year C, preached at St. John Lutheran Church of Prairie Hill on February 17, 2013. Text  Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18.

(Thank you to the Rev. Lia Scholl for her awesome reflection at The Hardest Question, where she drew the analogy between the Genesis story and a horror movie which opens this sermon.) 

Lutheran Sermons | David L. Hansen

"Grace that Goes Bump in the Night" Lent 2C

February 17, 2013

Sermon preached at St John Lutheran Church of Prairie Hill on Lent 2, Feb 17, 2013. Text: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18.h/t to the Rev. Lia Scholl for this reflection:

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