
Mission Brenham

Megan and I have stuff. We have lots and lots of stuff. There are a few things that we need for our new house, and there are some things that we want. And we have registered for those things.

However, as we prepare for our wedding, we know that we are very blessed. And so as you are considering gifts for our wedding we want to give you one more option.

Mission Brenham is a wonderful organization, providing leadership training, afterschool activities, mentoring, and so much more to children and youth in Washington County who are living in poverty or otherwise at risk.   There is a great deal of poverty in Washington County (did you know that there are four government housing projects in our little town!), and Mission Brenham provides hope and opportunity for many who otherwise would have none.

Megan and I believe in Mission Brenham - in their work, their vision, their leadership, their passion for the Gospel, and their care of God's children . We would be honored if, instead of more stuff, you would consider a gift to support Mission Brenham in honor of our wedding.

To make a donation to Mission Brenham, send your check to:
Mission Brenham
1003 Hasskarl Dr.
Brenham, TX 77833
Put in the memo "David Hansen / Megan Dosher" or "David & Megan Hansen" or "Dosher-Hansen wedding" or, well, you get the idea. 


Go to the Mission Brenham Website, click "Donate" and put "David Hansen / Megan Dosher" in the "purpose" box.

Thank you!