

First and foremost, I am a congregational pastor. This is my passion and the calling I give my time and energy.

I also believe that church is more than congregation and that when we can help each other to share the Good News and grow God's Kingdom, we should.

This conviction has brought me around the country as I help congregations and organizations to communicate more effectively and pass the faith on from generation to generation.

As a volunteer I have been on the communications team of the Gulf Coast Synod for many years, I served on the five person Social Media Team of the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, and I am a part of the leadership team for the Church Social Media community.

If I can help you or your ministry, please don't hesitate to be in touch! I would love to hear from you, and to help your ministry to share the old story in new ways.

Here are some of the projects that I have recently been involved in:

Communications Workshops
  • I have led short (1-2 hour) workshops to help people understand the basics of social media and how new technologies can be used for ministry.
  • These seminars have been hosted with the Texas-Lousiana Gulf Coast Synod, Southwest Texas Synod, North Texas - North Louisiana Mission Area, Florida-Bahamas Synod, and the Nebraska Synod.
  • They have been led both in person, and via video conference 

Intensive Communications Seminars
  • Disciple Project 2013 (an all-ages summer leadership program), a week long intensive taught alongside John Roberto (Vibrant Faith Ministries), focusing on faith formation in the digital age. Our goal was to help leaders learn tools and methods for curating faith formation resources. 
  • Disciple Project 2014, a week long intensive on church communications taught with the Rev. A. Joe Smith covering best practices in everything from print bulletins and newsletters to online presence. 
  • ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza 2016, I am leading one of the three Intensive Care Courses offered. This two day intensive will focus on how online tools can be used for creating community - especially in the context of youth and family ministry. More information here.

Communications & Vision Workshops / Consulting
  • Day-long seminars with congregations and organizations to help them 1) more clearly articulate their identity as a ministry and 2) more effectively communicate that identity and vision. 
  • I have led these consultations with the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers (ALRC), the Southeastern Minnesota Synod, the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, the Hudson Conference of the Metropolitan New York Synod, and LEAD (Living Everyday As Disciples). 

Cross+Gen Ministry
  • In October 2015, I was one of two featured presenters at the Birthing Cross+Gen Worship Conference. At this conference, I presented a case study of the intergenerational education ministry at Spirit of Joy! Lutheran Church, where I serve as pastor. While the specifics of this case study focused on one context, the lessons gleaned from our ministry are applicable in a variety of settings. The Cross+Gen Conference included workshop presenters from congregations of every size and setting.